CLI commands

The component provides additional CLI commands to get, requeue and delete failed notifications.

Order Update: Failed Notifications

Command Description


The Pacemaker Order Update command provides this CLI command to get, requeue and delete failed notifications.

  • If a notifications entity failed, you can requeue that or delete it

  • Also, you can see which notifications failed

bin/magento pacemaker:order-update:failed

  pacemaker:order-update:failed [options]

      --requeue         Requeue failed notifications
  -d, --delete          Should failed notification be deleted
  -f, --from[=FROM]     From date
  -t, --to[=TO]         To date
  -h, --help            Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi|--no-ansi  Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Display with the requeue flag and failed notifications
| notification_identifier | is_scheduled | scheduled_at | is_processed | processed_at | data_object                                   | created_at | modified_at |
| TechDivision\OrderUpdat | 1            | 2024-03-17   | 0            |              | O:65:"TechDivision\OrderUpdateInvoice\Model\I | 2024-03-17 | 2024-03-17  |
| eInvoice\Model\InvoiceC |              | 11:44:52     |              |              | nvoiceCreationNotification":1:{s:8:"\*\_data" | 11:44:52   | 11:44:52    |
| reationNotification:::: |              |              |              |              | ;a:9:{s:22:"external_reference_key";s:20:"uni |            |             |
| unique_65f6d7b44fde9    |              |              |              |              | que_65f6d7b44fde9";s:17:"external_order_id";s |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | :0:"";s:5:"items";a:0:{}s:17:"is_capture_onli |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | ne";b:1;s:17:"is_append_comment";b:1;s:18:"is |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | _notify_customer";b:0;s:16:"comment_creation" |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | ;O:49:"Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice\Comm |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | entCreation":3:{s:58:"\Magento\Sales\Model\Or |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | der\Invoice\CommentCreation\comment";s:39:"Cr |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | eate invoice via pipeline executor            |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | ;)";s:67:"\Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice\ |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | CommentCreation\isVisibleOnFront";b:1;s:70:"\ |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice\CommentCrea |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | tion\extensionAttributes";N;}s:18:"creation_a |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | rguments";O:51:"Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Inv |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | oice\CreationArguments":1:{s:72:"\Magento\Sal |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | es\Model\Order\Invoice\CreationArguments\exte |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | nsionAttributes";N;}s:19:"target_increment_id |            |             |
|                         |              |              |              |              | ";s:20:"unique_65f6d7b44fde9";}}              |            |             |

Pipelines will be initialized