Test intro page
Documentation rules:
No expressions
No phrases
Clean, clear and understandable sentences
No words like actually, properly, … etc
No slang language
Short sentences
avoid spelling mistakes
Headline 2
Headline 3
Headline 4
- Listing or other headline:
lorem Ipsum
lorem Ipsum
lorem Ipsum
lorem Ipsum |
Caution vs. Warning When choosing the admonition type, you may find yourself getting confused between "caution" and "warning" as these words are often used interchangeably. Here’s a simple rule to help you differentiate the two:
lorem Ipsum |
lorem Ipsum |
lorem Ipsum
- Paths, function names:
Code snippets
"name": "pacemaker/component-connector-dynamics-bc",
"type": "metapackage",
"require": {
"php": "^7.4|^8.0", (1)
"pacemaker/component-process-pipelines": "^1.7.2", (2)
"techdivision/dynamics-bc-api-client": "^1.0.0", (3)
"techdivision/pacemaker-dynamics-bc-entity-export-customer": "^1.0.0", (4)
"techdivision/pacemaker-dynamics-bc-entity-export-order-notification": "^1.0.0" (5)