Dedicated media import

Besides the existing possibility to import images and videos with the product import, the Pacemaker Professional Edition also has another command that allows a particular import of media files, including images and videos.

For better understanding, a separate repository of sample data is available for this purpose, which includes a CSV file containing only the necessary columns for a dedicated media import.


To a dedicated media import for a product video with the SKU 24-MB01, it is necessary to add the YouTube API configuration before the following command can get called.

cd <magento-install-dir> \
  && rm var/pacemaker/import/*.csv \
  && cp <sample-data-pro-dir>/* var/pacemaker/import \
  && vendor/bin/pacemaker import:products:media add-update \
    --clear-artefacts=false \
    --archive-artefacts=false \
    --serial=import \
    --source-dir=var/pacemaker \

After refreshing the indexes, the video should be visible on the product detail page on the frontend and in the admin backend