Smile Position

Pacemaker Import Pro offers the possibility to import smile position. This import gives the possibility to fill ElasticSearch created tables with data when importing products

Table 1. The columns for importing these variant products may look like this:
sku …​ product_type store_view_code …​ attribute_set_code …​ categories …​ smile_position …​




"Default Category/Gear,Default Category/Gear/Bags"


The column in the product-import CSV is called smile_position and contains the position of the respective categories, separated by commas (,). See the example above.

After installation of the component, the function is available but disabled. To enable it, the product import (from CLI) must be called with the parameter --enable-smile=true, the value must be specified in the configuration file in the customer project <magento-install-dir>/app/etc/configuration/configuration.json.

The relationship between products and categories is deleted after each import with the function clean-up-smile-category if the relationship already exists in the table smile_virtualcategory_catalog_category_product_position.

If you do not want to delete this relationship please deactivate this function see how to config this cleanup clean-up-smile-category functionality.