<role>_image |
The relative path to the image, starting with a slash ( / ).
<role>_image_label |
This is my image
The image label used as alt text.
<role>_image_position |
The position the image should get rendered in the admin backend and frontend.
additional_images |
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list of relative paths to images.
additional_image_labels |
This is my image 1,, This is my image 2
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list of alt texts for the images in the
column additional_attributes whereas it must exactly have the same number of elements as additional images
have been specified.
additional_image_positions |
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list positions for the images in the
column additional_attributes whereas it must exactly have the same number of elements as additional
images have been specified.
<role>_video |
The URL to the video should get loaded, by default, only videos from YouTube (needs an API key) or Vimeo
are supported.
<role>_video_title |
Pacemaker Product Import
The title will get displayed on top of the video on the product detail page when the user hovers over the video.
<role>_video_description |
This video shows a simple Pacemaker Import Community product import in a Magento 2 shop instance.
A description of the video which will display in the admin backend only.
<role>_video_provider |
varchar(32 )
The name of the video provider, is either YouTube or Vimeo .
<role>_video_metadata |
text |
Additional metadata for the video that will display in the Admin backend only.
additional_videos |
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list of URLs to additional videos that should be loaded.
additional_video_titles |
Pacemaker product import, A second video about product import
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list of titles for the videos in the column additional_videos
whereas it must exactly have the same number of elements as additional videos have been specified.
The title will be displayed above the video on the product detail page if a user hovers over the video.
additional_video_descriptions |
Pacemaker product import,A second video about product import
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list of descriptions for the videos in the column additional_videos
whereas it must exactly have the same number of elements as additional videos have been specified.
additional_video_providers |
YouTube, Vimeo
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list of provides for the videos in the column additional_videos
whereas it must exactly have the same number of elements as additional videos have been specified.
One of YouTube or Vimeo can be used.
additional_video_metadata |
YouTube, Vimeo
This column must contain a comma ( , ) separated list of metadata for the videos in the column additional_videos
whereas it must exactly have the same number of elements as additional videos have been specified.
hide_from_product_page |
Contains a comma ( , ) separated list of the relative image paths that should not get rendered on the product
detail page, whereas it doesn’t matter if it is an image with a role or one of the additional images.
disabled_images |
Contains a comma ( , ) separated list of the relative image paths that should not get rendered anywhere,
whereas it doesn’t matter if it is an image with a role or one of the additional images.