Pacemaker Pipeline API

The Pipeline REST API provides different endpoints to interact with the pipeline.

The User must have access to the Pacemaker - Enterprise Integration Platform resource.

Get all Pipelines

Endpoint Description

GET /V1/pacemaker/pipelines

Receive a list of all pipelines. There are two optional params:

  • timePeriod: A period of time in which the pipeline should have been created.

    • Default: 24hours

    • Possible Values: [0-9]* (minutes,hours,days,weeks,months,years)

  • pipelineName: Filter for a pipeline

GET <magento_url>/rest/V1/pacemaker/pipelines
GET <magento_url>/rest/V1/pacemaker/pipelines?timePeriod=2hours
GET <magento_url>/rest/V1/pacemaker/pipelines?timePeriod=4days&pipelineName=my_pipeline

Get specific Pipelines

Endpoint Description

GET /V1/pacemaker/pipeline/<id>

Receive a single pipeline by ID. There is one required param:

  • id: The ID of the desired Pipeline

GET <magento_url>/rest/V1/pacemaker/pipeline/5

Get specific Step

Endpoint Description

GET /V1/pacemaker/step/details/<id>

Receive infos for the given step:

  • id: The ID of the desired Step

GET <magento_url>/rest/V1/pacemaker/step/details/35