Function Description
Here are a few example requests, with different product-types.
Standard Product Request
This is a standard product request with as few attributes as possible
Unresolved include directive in modules/ROOT/pages/pacemaker-bulk-api/request-structure/index.adoc - include::../examples/requests/base-request.json[]
Configurable Product Request
Replace ATTRIBUTE_ID OPTION_ID and THE ENTITY_ID (S), you have to link the same number of products as the cartesian product of the option ids. The linked products (ENTITY_IDS) have to exist.
Unresolved include directive in modules/ROOT/pages/pacemaker-bulk-api/request-structure/index.adoc - include::../examples/requests/request-configurable.json[]
Bundle Product Request
weight_type [ pacemaker column bundle_weight_type ]
0 = static
1 = dynamic
sku_type [ pacemaker column bundle_sku_type ]
0 = static
1 = dynamic
price_type [ pacemaker column bundle_price_type ]
0 = fixed
1 = percent
shipment_type [ pacemaker column bundle_shipment_type ]
0 = separately
1 = together
price_view [ pacemaker column bundle_price_view ]
0 = Price range
1 = As Low As
Unresolved include directive in modules/ROOT/pages/pacemaker-bulk-api/request-structure/index.adoc - include::../examples/requests/request-bundle.json[]
Linked Product Request
The linked product sku have to be the same as the product sku. Also the product and the linked product have to exist.
Unresolved include directive in modules/ROOT/pages/pacemaker-bulk-api/request-structure/index.adoc - include::../examples/requests/request-link.json[]
Stock Item Request
The following columns cannot be passed directly: deferred_stock_update, use_config_deferred_stock_update, enable_qty_increments, qty_increments, out_of_stock_qty, allow_backorders
Unresolved include directive in modules/ROOT/pages/pacemaker-bulk-api/request-structure/index.adoc - include::../examples/requests/request-stock-item.json[]
Tier Price Request
32000 = 'ALL GROUPS'
0 = 'All Websites'
Unresolved include directive in modules/ROOT/pages/pacemaker-bulk-api/request-structure/index.adoc - include::../examples/requests/request-tier-price.json[]
Media Gallery Product Request
The first media gallery entry is the base image and can have different types. The other images are additional images. The following columns cannot be passed directly: hide_from_product_page
Unresolved include directive in modules/ROOT/pages/pacemaker-bulk-api/request-structure/index.adoc - include::../examples/requests/request-media-gallery.json[]