
To run import pipelines, you must:

Automatic Standard Jobs

Pacemaker Indexer

After installing Import Pipelines, the Process Pipelines infrastructure is ready to run, and a Pacemaker indexer gets executed with each heartbeat.


File storage

The following steps must get completed to perform an import through the file system:
  1. Determination of the import directory

  2. Storage of valid import files in the defined directory

    • The file names of the structure name must correspond to the configuration

  3. Creation of import OK files

    • Import OK files must follow the naming conventions of the configuration

    • Please note the identifier 666 and the counter for the CSV import files

    • The identifier 666 serves as an example and may only contain the characters defined in the configuration

    • The standard are lowercase letters a-z, numbers from 0-9, and a hyphen -

    • All files with the same identifier are combined into one pipeline if possible

      setup import file storage 3
  4. When a heartbeat gets executed, an import pipeline is created based on the existing files and depending on the naming convention (RegExp). All further heartbeats now execute the pipeline steps

    setup import file storage 4
  5. As the first pipeline step, the files get moved to the working pipeline directory to work with these files

    • All further pipeline steps now work with this pipeline directory to process the files, create import artifacts, and write log information

      setup import file storage 5
  6. In addition to importing data such as attributes, categories, and products, all necessary steps get initiated

    • To keep and display the data correctly in the shop

    • Cleanup and creation of the media cache

    • Storage of the required index operations

    • Creation of a Pacemaker Indexer Pipeline

      setup import file storage 6 1
      setup import file storage 6 2
  7. After the end of the following index pipeline, the products are available in the shop

    setup import file storage 7 1
    setup import file storage 7 2
    setup import file storage 7 3
  8. The import pipeline steps and the possible adjustments get described as follows

Backend file upload

In addition to the direct storage and processing of files, Import Pipelines offers the possibility to upload import files through the Magento backend and then process them further.

  1. Under Pacemaker  Import  Upload the overview of all uploaded import files appears Import files can get uploaded
    through the Upload new files button

    1. It can get defined with which parameters and in which pipeline context the import should get performed.

    2. In the following setup example, a product import with standard parameters gets carried out through the
      pacemaker_import_catalog pipeline

setup import file upload 1
  1. The new import upload gets then displayed in the view

    1. With the action OK (in the table), an OK file generates

  2. After the generation of the OK file, the import gets started

    1. The selected import pipeline gets generated and processed with the configured heartbeat

    2. Since only products are to get imported, all further import steps, such as attributes, are skipped

setup import file upload 2