Magento Consumer/Pipeline Runner
In the next step, at least one Magento consumer must be started, which processes the pipeline(s).
This can be done locally with the following simple command:
bin/magento queue:consumers:start pipeline.runner.ampq
If the MySqlMq is used, then any other provided runner can be started as well
This can be done locally with the following simple command:
bin/magento queue:consumers:start pipeline.runner.db
In productive environments, the supervisor is recommended to control the consumer processes in terms of message
processing (--max-messages=1
Alternatively, the module Supervisor Consumer is available, which controls the consumers via a cron daemon.
The last thing to do is execute the heartbeat to determine the next process and pass it to the running consumer via the message queue.
Use the following simple command:
bin/magento pipeline:heartbeat
The heartbeat is to be understood as a minutely running cron job, which can be configured on productive systems, e.g., via crontab.
After execution, the pipeline is successfully processed.