Component structure

There are no restrictions on the folder structure of your component.

  • Pacemaker Community Edition components are installed with Composer

    • The component structure should be at least PSR-0 or better PSR-4 compatible

  • Each component comes with its own configuration e.g. , the necessary files for DI

  • The structure should also support separation of source code and configuration files


When implementing your first component, the recommended component structure looks like this:
Tree: Component structure
├── src/
│       ├── Actions/
│       │       └── Processors/
│       ├── Assemblers
│       ├── Callbacks (1)
│       ├── Observers (2)
│       ├── Repositories
│       │       └── CacheWarmers/
│       ├── Services
│       ├── Subjects (3)
│       └── Utils
├── tests/
└── symfony/
│       ├── DependencyInjection/ (4)
│       ├── Resources/
│       │       └── config/
│       │               └── services.xml
│       └── Utils/
│               └── DependencyInjectionKeys.php
└── ImportBundle.php