Missing option values

 CE|PE|EE 1c0a4d?style=for the badge

The Missing option values plugin provides the advanced functionality to track if an attribute option value pointed to in a CSV import file is available or not, depending on if the debug mode is enabled or not.

If the debug mode is not enabled, an exception gets thrown immediately.

Instead, any missing attribute option value is written to the CSV file missing-option-values.csv, stored in the temporary import directory, and optional sent to the specified mail recipients.


  "id": "import.plugin.missing.option.values",
  "swift-mailer" : { (1)
    "id" : "import.logger.factory.transport.swift.smtp",
    "params" : {
      "to" : "tw@techdivision.com",
      "from" : "pacemaker@techdivision.com",
      "subject": "Something Went Wrong",
      "content-type" : "text/plain"
    "transport" : {
      "params" : {
        "smtp-host" : "mail.techdivision.com",
        "smtp-port" : 25
1 The swift-mailer configuration node is optional, only if the Swift Mailer configuration is available, the CSV file will be sent to the specified recipients